[Buildroot] Image created is not booting, waiting for infinite time

inblueswithu inblueswithu at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 29 06:30:41 UTC 2012


On Saturday 28 January 2012 05:19 PM, Thomas Petazzoni wrote:
> Most likely your kernel configuration is wrong. Please use the
> qemu_arm_versatile_defconfig available in Buildroot as an initial
> configuration, so that you start from a known-working configuration for
> the ARM Versatile platform emulated by Qemu.
Now I 've taken qemu_arm_versatile_defconfig and added few more options. 
I 've attached the .config file.
I 've got a problem here. I 've selected Kernel headers as "Linux 
2.6.37.x" in Toolchain configuration.
But in the Kernel configuration I 've selected

      [*] Linux Kernel
                    Kernel version (Same as toolchain kernel headers)  --->
              ()    Custom kernel patches
                    Kernel configuration (Using a custom config file)  --->
              (board/qemu/arm-versatile/linux-3.1.config) Configuration
    file pa
                    Kernel binary format (zImage)  --->
                    Linux Kernel Extensions  --->

But the default here is linux-3.1.config. Is that ok??

Thanks & Regards
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