[Buildroot] [PATCH 2/2] target: add different methods to encode the root password

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Sun Dec 30 17:15:34 UTC 2012

Peter, All,

On Sunday 30 December 2012 Peter Korsgaard wrote:
> >>>>> "Yann" == Yann E MORIN <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr> writes:
>  Yann> The password can be encoded in different ways (from the weakest
>  Yann> to the strongest): des, md5, sha-256, sha-512
>  Yann> Add a choice entry to select the method, defaulting to 'md5'.
> Care to respin this on top of mainline (E.G. after I changed the logic)?

Yes, I'll do.

Yann E. MORIN.

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