[Buildroot] [PATCH] make legal-info: fails with OVERRIDE_SRCDIR

Stephan Hoffmann sho at relinux.de
Thu Dec 6 10:26:15 UTC 2012

Am 05.12.2012 20:30, schrieb Peter Korsgaard:
>>>>>> "Stephan" == Stephan Hoffmann <sho at relinux.de> writes:
>  Stephan> There is a check for OVERRIDE_SRCDIR in pkg-generic.mk that is
>  Stephan> supposed to produce a warning when OVERRIDE_SRCDIR is active.
>  Stephan> This does not work and instead the whole make terminates with
>  Stephan> an error message.
>  Stephan> This patch changes the check for active OVERRIDE_SRCDIR so that
>  Stephan> it works as expected.
> Committed, thanks.

sorry, but I forgot that Arnout's patch
http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/buildroot/2012-October/059910.html is
not yet applied. My patch does not work without this.

Kind regards


reLinux     -    Stephan Hoffmann
Am Schmidtgrund 124    50765 Köln
Tel. +49.221.95595-19    Fax: -64
www.reLinux.de     sho at reLinux.de

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