[Buildroot] libffi or the crazy world of toolchain options

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Tue Aug 28 17:14:25 UTC 2012

Thomas, All,

On Monday 27 August 2012 00:43:26 Yann E. MORIN wrote:
> On Sunday 26 August 2012 22:40:50 Yann E. MORIN wrote:
> > What's left, now, is to change each dependency on a package /main/ symbol
> > to a dependency on the corresponding _AVAILABLE symbol, plus a select on
> > the the /main/ symbol. I hope to update my scripts with this functionality.
> > I definitely do not want to manually review hundreds of packages! ;-)
> Well, find attached an updated pkg-avail script that does just that.
> Please note however that the script is not bullet-proof, neither when adding
> the _AVAILABLE symbols, nor when using them. It avoids mangling simple cases
> (such as: "depends on PKG_FOO||PKG_BAR" and stuff like that) and thus misses
> some of the dependencies, but may still butcher other places. :-/
> Enough for today, more tomorrow...

For those interested, I've posted two patches that can be applied ontop
commit bc753d3ca243bcda35d567465ee649ecee3ef236 :


Yann E. MORIN.

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