[Buildroot] external toolchain

Zoran Djordjevic djdjdjole at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 17 18:05:33 UTC 2012

Thank you for revealing me the matter about Crosstool- NG adjustment
and related to glibc. I was not able to try (but will do at monday), however,
it raises another question to me. Having in mind that I built with  2.6.9 choice 
- which is default (although I didn't know the fact) and that my exact kernel
version is (that is on target board) then how it comes error
"kernel too old" (because target kernel is newer one) ?  
Best regards

From: Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr>
To: buildroot at busybox.net; Zoran Djordjevic <djdjdjole at yahoo.com> 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Buildroot] external toolchain

Zoran, All,

On Friday 17 August 2012 14:47:09 Zoran Djordjevic wrote:
> I am using buildroot to build RFS with external toolchain support.
> When using Crosstool- NG, it builds OK, but on my target I got
> an error- saying "kernel too old".

When you build your toolchain with crosstool-NG, you can tell glibc what the
oldest supported kernel should be:
    C-library  --->
        Minimum supported kernel version (Specific kernel version)  --->
            (2.6.9) Minimum kernel version to support

Of course, 2.6.9 is just an example. Use whatever you see fit for your
use-case (eg. 2.6.32?)

> Seems to me that there is no other
> way out (is it so ?) knowing that 2.6.32 is the latest kernel that I 
> found for my board.

Bug your provider about this issue. Tell them they should upgrade. ;-)

Yann E. MORIN.

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