[Buildroot] Package informations, online and updated

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at free-electrons.com
Sat Aug 4 12:30:47 UTC 2012

Le Sat, 4 Aug 2012 14:04:49 +0200,
Samuel Martin <s.martin49 at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Another idea, half way with autobuild, could be the latest
> build-success and build-failure dates (maybe for each toolchain
> running in autobuild).

Well, for what configurations? A per-toolchain date wouldn't make
sense: every build builds a different, random, set of packages. So
toolchain A with package B, C, D may build, but not toolchain A with
package C, D, E.

Best regards,

Thomas Petazzoni, Free Electrons
Kernel, drivers, real-time and embedded Linux
development, consulting, training and support.

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