[Buildroot] [PATCH] upx: high-performance executable packer with in-place decompression support

Stefan Fröberg stefan.froberg at petroprogram.com
Mon Aug 27 22:15:11 UTC 2012

In the 90s when I was a serious DOS and Windows gamer I used a
tool called UPX to make my game collection smaller so that I
could stuff them to 3.5" diskettes.

That tool still exists and has been updated last time in 2011 

So, if you have used every compiler switch and every tip & trick
in the book and still not satisfied with the size of your system
then give this tool a try.

Just use the upx --lzma executable_name to compress.

In my tests I could cut my system size by almost 50% and 
no functionality loss. :)

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