[Buildroot] Problem with apply-patches.sh

Will Newton will.newton at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 16:27:51 UTC 2012

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Ludovic Desroches
<ludovic.desroches at atmel.com> wrote:
> Le 04/16/2012 06:09 PM, Will Newton a écrit :
>> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Ludovic Desroches
>> <ludovic.desroches at atmel.com>  wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Le 04/16/2012 04:40 PM, Will Newton a écrit :
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I noticed that in some cases apply-patches.sh will misbehave if you
>>>> have a file matching the glob '*.patch' in the top-level directory.
>>>> For example the patching of binutils fails in this case. The problem
>>>> is at the line:
>>>>     support/scripts/apply-patches.sh $(@D)
>>>> $($(PKG)_DIR_PREFIX)/$(RAWNAME)/$(NAMEVER) \*.patch \*.patch.$(ARCH)
>>>> || exit 1;
>>>> in package/Makefile.package.in. The glob gets expanded prematurely (to
>>>> e.g. myfile.patch) and then the expanded glob is passed to
>>>> apply-patches.sh which will fail to find any patches matching the
>>>> glob. I've had a go at trying to stop this happening but with no
>>>> success so far. Can anyone think of any creative ways to suppress this
>>>> expansion?
>>>> Thanks,
>>> I see what you mean but I can't reproduce your issue:
>> Hi Ludovic, thanks for the quick response!
>> Did you have a dummy patch file in the top-level? e.g.:
>> # cd buildroot
>> # touch mypatch.patch
>> # make
> Yes I did this, I have created an empty patch file.
>> For me that causes the patch patterns passed to apply-patches.sh to
>> look like: mypatch.patch *.patch.arm. The arch specific glob in this
>> case does not match anything so it remains unexpanded.
> I agree but I had no error. I didn't do the whole build so maybe I will
> encounter an issue later due to the "no-patched" binutils.

I don't think it will cause an obvious issue for most people - I
happen to have a patched binutils so that if the patch is missing
things go wrong quite obviously. I put an echo in the top of
apply-patches.sh and I was quite clearly seeing the glob had been
expanded by the time it was run (whilst building host-binutils).

For the record my make is 3.81 and bash is 4.1.2.

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