[Buildroot] Request for comments on packages for TI's OMAP3 and DM365 processors

Gustavo Zacarias gustavo at zacarias.com.ar
Tue Oct 18 13:32:33 UTC 2011

On 18.10.2011 09:49, Thomas Petazzoni wrote:

> There is a similar problem with the TI OpenGL drivers. The Graphics 
> available from TI website is a huge auto-extractable binary which
> contains (amongst a ton of crap) the binary driver. Some embedded 
> Linux
> build systems (such as OpenBricks) have re-packaged only the 
> necessary
> bits, have put those tarballs online and use them in their package
> recipes instead of the original TI stuff.
> Ideally, I'd prefer to use the original TI stuff as well, but the 
> size
> of the downloads are horribly huge, and they keep moving things 
> around
> on their website all the time. It is not even simple to find what it
> the latest version of what. TI's management of software support is
> really horrible.
> Regards,
> Thomas

I had a go at those bits some time ago for a customer reaching to the 
point of having OMAP3 OpenGL for Qt but it's a bit timerot now.
Could be revived but i never did much about it because of the huge 
tarball problem and granular CPU integration: different OMAP3 processors 
have differing OpenGL capabilities/accelerators and it changes the build 
logic somewhat (different includes and libraries for each target).
Doing an OMAP3 model selection in the OpenGL/Qt menu isn't clean IMHO 
since that same selection could possibly be used in the future for other 
package bits as well.

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