[Buildroot] Qt program with GUI issue

Yegor Yefremov yegor_sub1 at visionsystems.de
Wed Oct 26 12:59:23 UTC 2011

I'm trying to get my program integrated into BR. So far I managed to successfully build and install it, but as soon as I run it (with -qws option) I get trouble:

GUI will be shown, but at the same time background/wallpaper goes green (I made nothing to make this happen). When I move my mouse, the pointer seems to draw over GUI, so that real gray background will show up at the places where mouse pointer went through.

Is there any simple QT based project I could try to integrate as a reference? I tried CuteCom, but it is fully Qt4 compatible.

Another issue if I don't supply -qws param, I get following error messages:

QWSSocket::connectToLocalFile could not connect:: No such file or directory

My system:
ARM Cortex-A8
WindowsManager: Fluxbox


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