[Buildroot] Download external toolchain with make source

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at anciens.enib.fr
Fri Jul 8 21:16:38 UTC 2011

Peter, Hervé, All,

On Friday 08 July 2011 16:10:52 Peter Korsgaard wrote:
> >>>>> "Herve" == Fache, Herve <h-fache at ti.com> writes:
>  Herve> Hello list,
>  Herve> We have a need for an external toolchain, and need to be able to
>  Herve> download everything for off-line compilation. To reach this goal, we
>  Herve> have added the option for make source to download the external
>  Herve> toolchain together with the packages.
>  Herve> I thought you may be interested in this very simple patch to support
>  Herve> this feature :-)
> Thanks. I would prefer to use (ab)use the uclibc-source target, similar
> to how we ensure the external toolchain gets setup before building
> packages.
> I also just noticed crosstool-ng needs it as well.

For crosstool-NG, that's not that easy. There is no top-level rule to just
do the download. crosstool-NG does its own downloading.

So, we have to build crosstool-NG, which implies building host-gawk and
host-automake, and their dependencies...

I've done the necessary stuff here, and will post a patch shortly after a
little bit more of testing...

Yann E. MORIN.

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