[Buildroot] how BR download the linux kernel now

raymond zhao raymond.zhao.ml at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 20:30:29 UTC 2011

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 9:31 AM, raymond zhao <raymond.zhao.ml at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The linux kernel is a special "package". Lots of embedded projects
>>> (if not all of them) will start from a certain version of the kernel
>>> and hack the kernel from there, such as add device drivers etc. Then,
>>> put the source code into a local git server to do version control.
>>> Some people argued to use original tarball plus the patch, but it
>>> makes the development procedure very painful. In the old approach, it
>>> is very easy to hack the linux.mk to checkout the kernel source code
>>> directly into the output directory. But, in the new one. Looks it
>>> becomes more complex. The kernel is very big. Check out with the git,
>>> archive it to a tarball, and then extract it to the output directory
>>> for building will waste lots of time. Is there a official solution
>>> (or suggestion) for my situation?
>>Yes, I am currently working on extending the package infrastructure so
>>that any package (not only the Linux kernel, but any package) can be
>>sourced from an existing directory, instead of being downloaded through
>>I have already published preliminary versions of this work (see "[RFC]
>>Override source directories", posted May, 18th 2011), and I intend to
>>continue. The basic mechanism is working, I still have issues
>>implementing "make source" and "make external-deps" with this mechanism.
>>It'd be really nice if you could have a look at what I did to see if it
>>would solve your use case as well.
> That's great. I will definitely check it. If we solved this problem. I
> believe BR will be #1 choice for most embedded linux projects.
> thanks,
> raymond

BR 2011.08 rc was released and I did not see this feature in there? Is
it still going to happened in 2011.08 release?
Please add this feature if possible, it is really useful.

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