[Buildroot] Adding libev to buildroot

Bernhard Roth broth at roth-itk.de
Sun Aug 7 11:10:55 UTC 2011

Hello all,

I am using buildroot for a while now and I always have to add the libev 
library for my projects. Libev is a lightweight and powerful alternative 
to livevent.
Maybe it's possible to add libev support to the next official version of 

Attached I send you the package config files for libev which I use 
(based on libevent files)
Please put them into package/libev.

Finally following line has to be added to package/Config.in just after 

source "package/libev/Config.in"

Best regards,

Bernhard Roth

Roth ITK Consulting GmbH
Landsberger Str. 398
81241 München

Fon: +49 89 461317-0
Fax: +49 89 461317-29
Email: broth at roth-itk.de
Web: http://www.roth-itk.de/

Geschäftsführer: Bernhard Roth
HRB 174971, Amtsgericht München
UID: DE 261 708 872

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