[Buildroot] init not PID 1

Gerhard Heift ml-buildroot-20110324-cba5 at gheift.de
Sun Apr 10 09:54:04 UTC 2011

On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 06:34:24PM +0200, Michael Burghart wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> once again. I just found out that I cannot shutdown with init. It complains:
> init: must be run as PID 1

You have to use "halt" or "poweroff". Busybox does not support runlevels so you
cannot run "init 0" to shutdown your system.

> (which is correct).
> But why is it not 1?

This message comes from the new spawned init process, which gets a "usual" pid
like any other process. There should already be an init process with the pid 1.

> cheers
> - -micha-

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