[Buildroot] Build error: No rule to make target `ubootboard_config'

Marcus Osdoba marcus.osdoba at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 14 17:29:10 UTC 2010

 Am 13.09.2010 22:16, schrieb S W:
> Hi Thomas
> Thank you so much for your nice explanation!
> Yes I have misunderstood about ARM.
> Like you said, it is a general architecture.
> I will figure out the hardware board name from my headquater company.
> But I have a doubt about the boads that U-Boot can deal with.
> You told me that there thousands of different boards. But how
> can U-Boot know these board names? And how can U-Boot know
> there are new boards that come out?
Hi Terry,

U-Boot has it's own project side. They include new boards in a similar
way like buildroot: Someone likes to have support for a certain board
and starts work. E.g. using a tutorial like this:

A good start is to use an existing similar board as template and start
modifying it for the new one.
I don't think that buildroot introduces new boards to u-boot itself, but
you can use br to make your own patches for a new one and perhaps send
them to the u-boot developers:
Check the boards known to u-boot here:


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