[Buildroot] sending in patches (potentially lots of them)

Heiko Zuerker heiko at zuerker.org
Sun Nov 28 23:44:03 UTC 2010



I'm pretty new to git, so please excuse any stupid questions I may have.


I'm currently playing with buildroot to see if we can replace the current
build system of Devil-Linux with buildroot.

Main reason for this is the ability to support multiple architectures.


As part of this exercise I'll probably have a few patches which others could
benefit from. 

What is the preferred way of sending them in? I sent one patch via email, I
hopefully did this right..


I did create a fork of the git repository on sourceforge, which would be
easily accessible for you guys.

<https://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=git&group_id=34096> &group_id=34096





   Heiko Zuerker

    <http://www.devil-linux.org> http://www.devil-linux.org



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