[Buildroot] Helps for CV860A (VIA C3) Motherboard

Obélix obelix0 at yahoo.fr
Sun Jun 27 19:30:01 UTC 2010

I have a CV860A (VIA C3) motherboard and I would like to build a small 
kernel with a small filesystem based on busybox to use it on a compact 
flash of 1go. I think that buildroot can be the right way to do it !

I did a first test to build a cpio root fs with grub and a vmlinuz kernel :

I did the "make", when buildroot ask me to configure the kernel, I 
changed nothing and i build this :
ls -hl output/images/
total 984M
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 855M 2010-06-24 20:29 rootfs.cpio
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 129M 2010-06-24 16:56 vmlinux

I'm a little bit surprised by the size of the root fs and the kernel. I 
chekc the fs and I found that I have a lot of modules but I don't need 
of Xserver or wifi driver. How can I know modules that I can select or 
unselect in the make linux26-menuconfig" ? Is there somebody who have a 
.config to share ?

Moreover, I think that during the building I can preapre the compact 
flash to receive the kernel and fs. Have you got a method to do it ?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards


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