[Buildroot] Customize package makefile seems broken

Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 21:22:42 UTC 2010

I'm attempting to use the "customize" package to get
libgcc_s.so files into my target filesystem, and it doesn't
seem to work.  I put files into the package like so:

   $ tree customize
   |-- Config.in
   |-- customize.mk
   `-- source
       |-- asdf
       `-- lib
           |-- foobar
           |-- libgcc.a
           |-- libgcc_eh.a
           |-- libgcc_s.so
           `-- libgcc_s.so.1
But what ends up on my target filesystem is


The two .a files vanish, and the other files that I expect to
find in /lib end up in /lib/lib.  I haven't figured out why two
of the 6 files aren't getting copied, but the mislocation
appears to be due to a bug in customize.mk:

     1	#############################################################
     2	#
     3	# Any custom stuff you feel like doing....
     4	#
     5	#############################################################
     6	CUST_DIR:=package/customize/source
     8	$(BUILD_DIR)/.customize:
     9		rm -f $(BUILD_DIR)/series
    10		(cd $(CUST_DIR); \
    11		 /bin/ls -d * > $(BUILD_DIR)/series || \
    12		 touch $(BUILD_DIR)/series )
    13		for f in `cat $(BUILD_DIR)/series`; do \
    14			cp -af $(CUST_DIR)/$$f $(TARGET_DIR)/$$f; \
    15		done
    16		rm -f $(BUILD_DIR)/series
    17		touch $@

Line 14 doesn't work right if there are any pre-existing
directories in the target directory.  In my case it ends up

   cp -af package/custom/source/lib output/target/lib

That results in files ending up in /lib/lib instead of /lib

Shouldn't line 14 specify the bare target_dir (and not
specify a target filename)?  Copy a file will still work the
same (since the destination is known to be a directory), and
now copying a directory will work when it didn't used to:

    14                  cp -af $(CUST_DIR)/$$f $(TARGET_DIR)/; \

Or an I not understanding how the customize package is supposed
to be used?    

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I wish I was a
                                  at               sex-starved manicurist
                               visi.com            found dead in the Bronx!!

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