[Buildroot] External toolchain built by buildroot no longer supported.

Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 14:41:05 UTC 2010

As of this commit


use of of external toolchains built by buildroot is no longer

Are we to assume that crosstool-NG is now the "officially supported"
source for external toolchains?

I've been using external toolchains built by buildroot since it's so
much simpler than using crosstool-NG: you don't have to build and
install buildroot like you do crosstool-NG, and I already have
buildroot under source control.  Now I'll also have to place
crosstool-NG (both sources and installed files) under version control.

I'd just as soon stick with using buildroot toolchains, but it's
starting to feel like swimming against the tide.

When I asked a few months ago if there was any reason I shouldn't use
external toolchains built by buildroot, I was told there were none.

Has that changed?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Will it improve my
                                  at               CASH FLOW?

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