[Buildroot] VLC media player patched + some libraries added

Peter Korsgaard jacmet at uclibc.org
Sun Mar 29 20:34:53 UTC 2009

>>>>> "Roeland" == Roeland Van Praet <roelvp at mind.be> writes:

 Roeland> Hi all,

 Roeland> Since I still haven't read about any response concerning my
 Roeland> path, I'm wondering if somebody is testing this or not?

I haven't heard any testing reports here or on IRC ..

 Roeland> I hope it doesn't go by unnoticed since there are some nice
 Roeland> multimedia libraries included in the patch.

Definately not. It's still on my todo list, but my time is
unfortunately quite limited at the moment.

I will try to find time for it this coming week. Thanks for the patch.

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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