[Buildroot] native toolchain compilation problem

Peter Korsgaard jacmet at uclibc.org
Wed Feb 25 09:28:13 UTC 2009

>>>>> "William" == William Brodie-Tyrrell <william at brodie-tyrrell.org> writes:

 William> Hi,

 William> I'm using buildroot to build a linux system for the
 William> AT91SAM9G20-EK board and it's working fine except that I
 William> can't get it to build the native toolchain.  The
 William> cross-compiler works perfectly.

 William> I'm using a patched v23434 from SVN as instructed by this website:
 William> http://www.linux4sam.org/twiki/bin/view/Linux4SAM/BuildRootBuild

 William> The error I'm getting is this:

Hmm, 23434 is half a year old, and we have had various toolchain fixes
since then. Could you try with svn head?

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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