[Buildroot] Cris strace-4.5.18 patch

Hinko Kocevar hinko.kocevar at cetrtapot.si
Wed Feb 25 08:51:14 UTC 2009


I have this patch laying around for some time. I'm using it 
for our cris embedded target and haven't had any issues with it.

Please apply.

Note, that configure needs to be rebuilt (autoreconf) before
configure.ac changes are employed into the configure script.


Hinko Kočevar, OSS developer
ČETRTA POT, d.o.o.
Planina 3, 4000 Kranj, SI EU
tel     ++386 (0) 4 280 66 03
e-mail  hinko.kocevar at cetrtapot.si
http    www.cetrtapot.si

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