[Buildroot] No X11 forward in sshd

John Voltz john.voltz at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 21:38:25 UTC 2008

I'm not sure what might cause your problem, but have you tried using x11vnc
instead of directly connecting an X session? You might get better
performance with VNC too, depending on what it is you are trying to do.

John Voltz

On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Julianne C. <juliannerc at gmail.com> wrote:

> The project is built on an x86 linux kernel (2.6.9) with X support and
> SSH connectivity.  The X server is working fine and connections can be
> made at will via the SSH server and client (both inbound to and
> outbound from the target system).  However, the problem is that the
> sshd server doesn't enable X forwarding no matter what settings are
> used.  The simplest test is this (running in xterms on the X desktop
> via fvwm):
> 1) start the sshd program:   >/usr/sbin/sshd -dd -D
> 2) in another window, start an ssh session to localhost: >ssh -vv -X
> localhost
> When the sshd is built using the same configuration parameters as
> contained in openssh.mk, and run in place of the existing desktop
> (x86_64 Fedora 7) sshd, the X forwarding works fine, performing the
> steps above.  What might be the problem with the uClibc libraries, the
> X configuration or possibly the sshd configuration that would prevent
> the X session from coming through.  (The xauth program was added to
> the /usr/bin directory to enable the X cookies to be exchanged).
> Julianne C
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