[Buildroot] Shell-Weirdness

Christof Klaiber christof.klaiber at merath-maschinen.de
Thu Mar 20 13:06:07 UTC 2008

I built buildroot from svn for i486 and try to run it in qemu.

~/qemu/bin/qemu -hda binaries/uclibc/rootfs.i686.ext2 -kernel
project_build_i686/uclibc/linux- -append

After booting the kernel, it complains about not finding /etc/init.d/rcS
- where did it go? It used to be there in earlier times.

Then I can activate a shell by hitting Enter.

The shell works fine, but whenever I try to enter a command which
contains a "-", I get an error message or the shell blocks.


/ # ls -l
-> terminal blocks

somtimes I can use <ctrl>-c to escape, sometimes I have to quit qemu.

Any suggestions, why this can happen?


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