[Buildroot] segmentation fault running kismet

Saurav Kumar Barik sauravb at aztecsoft.com
Thu Feb 7 16:31:58 UTC 2008


I am getting segmentation fault with kismet.

My setup is -

Gateworks BSP 0.7




I followed the following thread for integrating kismet -

*	http://www.busybox.net/lists/buildroot/2007-October/006129.html

There were no issues with the build. I cross verified the kismet.conf
file and the values were proper.


[root at saurav]# ./kismet_server -f kismet.conf

Using alternate config file: kismet.conf

Will drop privs to saurav (1001) gid 1001

No specific sources given to be enabled, all will be enabled.

Enabling channel hopping.

Enabling channel splitting.

Dropped privs to saurav (1001) gid 1001

WARNING:  Disabling GPS logging.

Logging networks to Kismet.network

Logging networks in CSV format to Kismet.csv

Logging networks in XML format to Kismet.xml

Logging cryptographically weak packets to Kismet.weak

Logging cisco product information to Kismet.cisco

Tracking probe responses and associating probe networks.

Reading AP manufacturer data and defaults from /home/saurav/ap_manuf

Reading client manufacturer data and defaults from

Segmentation fault


Has anybody successfully used kismet with buildroot?

I shall be grateful if somebody could share some pointers on this issue.

Thanks & Regards,


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