[Buildroot] Improper device nodes created insideproject_build_arm/uclibc/root/dev/

Hamish Moffatt hamish at cloud.net.au
Tue Apr 22 01:56:01 UTC 2008


On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 07:28:49AM +0530, Gururaja Hebbar K R wrote:
> > The build process is not intended to create proper device nodes on
> desk (non-root user can't do that)
> i have logged into console with su root. i am using root shell for this
> root at guru_vlinux:/opt/buildroot_plain# whoami
> root

It doesn't matter, buildroot will use fakeroot anyway. It's not a good
idea to do development as the root user.

Also, some of the target methods don't create the device entries in the
project_build_$arch/$project/root directory at all - they are added to
the image by the generator tool without ever being on disk.

> >Finally you could use something other than NFS root, if you don't need
> to write back to it. Perhaps have your boot loader load a ramdisk via
> tftp.
> yes i tried this and this is working fine. But i am doing a development
> project and i need to update the root all the time. so i use NFS boot.

Although your changes will be lost when you rebuild the project anyway?
The project_build_$arch/$project/root is temporary.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish at debian.org> <hamish at cloud.net.au>

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