[Buildroot] Encountered error when building ARM toolchain (sed)

Arun Reddy reddyac at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 04:33:15 UTC 2008

Hi everyone,

After successfully doing a build for an x86 platform, I am now attempting to
build for an ARM platform. After about half an hour into the build process I
encountered the error:

/root/buildroot/toolchain_build_arm/bin/sed -i -e
/root/buildroot/toolchain_build_arm/bin/sed: no input files

Does anyone happen to know what this error is referring to? I understand
that the editor sed requires an input stream where it performs text
transformations, but why am I getting "no input files" here? Is the syntax
for the line above that's being passed for sed not correct? Any tips on how
to fix this? Thanks a lot for looking into this.
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