[Buildroot] Tar problems

Babarovic Ivica ivica.babarovic at asist.si
Tue Sep 4 22:00:32 UTC 2007

Sorry for double emails Bernhard!

Bernhard Fischer wrote:

>There is something really going wrong. How are you calling make?

$ make all

>$ svngrep basename target/ -r 2> /dev/null
>target/makedevs/makedevs.c:	bb_applet_name = basename(argv[0]);
>target/device/Atmel/at91bootstrap/at91bootstrap-2.3.1.patch: #	cd .. ; tar -cvf `basename $$(TOPDIR)`.tar `basename $$(TOPDIR)` ; bzip2 `basename $$(TOPDIR)`.tar )
>target/device/Atmel/at91bootstrap/at91bootstrap-2.3.1.patch:-PACKAGE=`basename ${TOPDIR}`
>target/device/Sharp/LNode80/kernel-patches/001-patch-2.4.26-vrs1:+int-y := $(sort $(foreach m, $(multi-y), $($(basename $(m))-objs)))
>target/device/Sharp/LNode80/kernel-patches/001-patch-2.4.26-vrs1:+int-m := $(sort $(foreach m, $(multi-m), $($(basename $(m))-objs)))
>I'd rule out makedevs.c and probably the Sharp stuff. I'd just recommend
>to glance at 'info make' to the one who wrote the other hunks.

>Where does that basename call you show above come from?
I'm sorry Bernhard. What do you mean by this?
I'll attach the output of 'make all' process.

Babarovic Ivica, R&D Engineer
ASIST avtomatizacija sistemov d.o.o.		Web: www.asist.si
Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 23a			Phone: +386 (1)5837 217
Ljubljana, Slovenija

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