[Buildroot] [MIPS] toolchain/gcc/Config.in broken

Elizabeth Oldham beth at the-hug.org
Tue Oct 9 20:56:40 UTC 2007

Elizabeth Oldham wrote:
> Bernhard Fischer wrote:
>>>             o32    n32    n64
>>>MIPS I         o
>>>MIPS II        o
>>>MIPS III       o      o       o
>>>MIPS IV        o      o       o
>>>MIPS32(r1)     o
>>>MIPS32R2       o
>>>MIPS64(r1)     o      o       o
>>>MIPS64R2       o      o       o
>>>(blank is not supported)
> I'm not familar with eabi, I've not heard of it with reference to MIPS. 
> I'd have to ask my more learned colleagues :)

gcc supports it, but AFAIK it isn't used on MIPS/Linux, so I assume 
buildroot/uclibc wont be interested in it?

> Once you have a supported ISA/ABI you can choose your endian with impunity.

Or vice-versa.

I've hacked target/Config.in.arch to what I _think_ it should perhaps 
look like, and attached it.


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