[Buildroot] kernel patch not applied

Bernhard Fischer rep.dot.nop at gmail.com
Sat May 12 10:31:55 UTC 2007

On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 12:29:53PM -0400, David Claffey wrote:
>The braces expansion issue is different.
>kernel-headers-new.makefile and linux26.mk .patched targets overlap.
>The kernel-headers target pulls in linux-$(LINUX_HEADERS_VERSION)-* patches,
>while the linux26.mk is explicitly pulling in any patches placed in the
>$(BR2_BOARD_PATH)/kernel-patches directory.
>The latter does not occur because the kernel-headers rule satisfies the
>dependency early on.

Thanks for the explanation. I think that we want to apply _any_ patches
even for the kernel-headers, since a later applied patch could render
parts of the headers to be incorrect ¹). Can you please try to apply
in kernel-headers-new.makefile and after successful verification send
the patch to me? TIA

¹) Suppose i have a patch that removes the VT layer. This patch would
lead to inconsistency if applied after the headers are installed.

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