[Buildroot] how to build Buildroot for linux kernel 2.6.12 ?

raajesh.n at indiatimes.com raajesh.n at indiatimes.com
Thu Dec 13 10:46:34 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I am new to Buildroot, I downloaded latest version of Buildroot from this site,                         svn co svn://uclibc.org/trunk/buildroot  , but when kernel headers were checked in for 2.6.12 it was not found. latest version of Buildroot has no support for kernel 2.6.12.

How can I resolve this problem? can I buildroot for for linux 2.6.12 version kernel ?

If there is any modification that has to be done for building Buildroot for linux 2.6.12, Please do inform me.

If there are any serious issues with this Modification , Please do inform me too.

Best Regards,

Rajesh N

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