[Buildroot] error when building gcc using buildroot/toolchain

Michael Hunold hunold at linuxtv.org
Mon Dec 17 08:47:31 UTC 2007

Hello Bernhard,

thanks for your answer and sorry for the delay from my side.

on 11.12.2007 23:28 Bernhard Fischer said the following:
> Michael, please send me (in private if you prefer) your br2.config and your
> uClibc.config so i can try to reproduce this error here.

I attached the two configs to this mail.

Please note that I did one modification to buildroot. I had to add back
the possibility to select 2.6.10 kernel again. I have not tried yet to
create buildroot against a later kernel, but I'll try now and let you
know the results.

> Please note that this doesn't look like it's really uClibc related but a
> buildroot issue.

I did not notice that the original post was sent to uclibc ML rather
than buildroot ML. I changed the CC now to the buildroot ML. Thanks for
the hint.

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