[Buildroot] [patch] openssl-0.9.7l (security)

Brad House brad at mainstreetsoftworks.com
Sun Aug 5 20:28:45 UTC 2007

0.9.7e has a few advisories against it.
Here's a patch to bring it up to a more 'secure' version,
should maintain binary compatibility as well.

I've also switched the option 'no-threads' to 'threads'.  It
doesn't actually add any link dependencies to openssl,
it simply enables some callbacks where a programmer can
'register' thread-safe callbacks for mutexes, etc.  If the
programmer doesn't implement them, the library behaves the
same as a no-threads build, so there is no impact here.
Programs which use threads and OpenSSL _will_ crash randomly
if openssl is not compiled with thread support.

Please apply the attached patch, and also remove the


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